

By: Jenny Alforria 

I’m stuck in this place 

where they force you to conform 

To their ideas and their way of living 

I’m forced to live in this place 

where you gotta live by these rules

Or else they’ll lock you up and torture you

Don’t dare to have an idea of living 

that’s different from what they believe is true 

They’ll call you crazy 

Say you need medications 

They’ll tell you 

you have mental issues

Anything that’s different

 from go to work and go to school

Is something you simply should not pursue 

It’s perfectly fine to live miserably 

as long as you do what you have to do

Stress is perfectly normal too!

Money is your lifeline 

that’s what we slave for every day 

When the earth is all ours 

but we found a way to deny people what is theirs! 

See we are already locked up 

by this society we have created

This shouldn’t be normal

Society is crazy

All these people who lost their Minds

 are the ones who have awaken

But if I express these thoughts

 I’ll be considered crazy 

So I’m left to conform and pretend 

that society is not enslavement. 

Spiritual War

Spiritual War

By: Jenny Alforria
We beg to our creator to change things all the time….

We question Gods judgment

We start believing satanic lies

We give up on God time after time……

But no matter what

God is always our guide

We start looking at the state of the world

And believe in all the negativity and rules

We get consumed by demons

But we think we are doing what we supposed to do.

We hope our elected politicians can change the world

We ignore the simple love spread through universal law.

We ignore the beauty of Mother Earth

We let our passions and dreams die

We walk by and ignore the poor

We don’t realize we are the answer to change each and every time

We follow society’s rules, and we lack trust and faith in Gods signs

We place people in roles

Because society has always been scripted

Miserable adults calling themselves responsible

They Never even realized

They let their souls die

We make false Gods out of people who are only playing out their script that society has gave to them.

We call people who follow mere signs delusional and schizophrenic

We call intuition and gut wrench feelings manic bipolar symptoms

But of course when shit turns out good

You’re called a story of success.

Sorry to break it to you

Success is just a man made concept

An imaginary bench mark on your life

That keeps you a slave like the rest

So we question where is God in a world of hate and stress.

Why does he let people suffer, and we wonder if he exist.

Not realizing he created us to solve these crimes against the universe

He created us to be like him

Loving and compassionate

Hopeful and positive

God has not failed us

We failed him

And yes the devil is real

But we commit the sins

God breaks all illusions

Societal Rules don’t fear him

Be one and transcend past fear based ideologies

Past systemic roles

Just Take “risks”

God is not found by the awakened he just is seen

Once you’re enlightened you’re just waking up out of a horrible dream

Each action is a ripple effect into the universe we are all tied together

Not separated by country, race, religion, political parties, gender, etc.

when we realize that we are one….How you treat others is the way you treat yourself.

I’m not separate from you…..I am you and you are me-

just Human.

Free will is the only characteristic that classifies me…

Don’t follow lost sheep

Just Follow the signs that God laid before your feet



By:Jenny Alforria

John has a degree

A job

and a nice home

He’s handsome and wealthy

Got a family to call his own!

Parents supported him

every step of the way

He’s set for life…

things always went his way

Every time he walks to work

he sees a homeless man who begs

He walks past him in disgust

you can tell he’s on drugs

John just doesn’t understand

why people like him

can’t pull themselves up

This man is such a bum

Stop begging for money

just to get drugs

Get a damn job!!!

John could care less

about this Jon Doe

who he wish would get lost

John works hard!

Why can’t this homeless man

do the same?

Yeah John is unhappy at times

Sometimes he can’t sleep

His wife only loves him

for the image

and material things

His kids look at him

as a wallet

never had to worry about anything

I guess you can say

John is a participating member of society

He’s living that American Dream…..

John drinks coffee

to get through his long days

Deep down he’s unhappy with his job

but hey!…..

as long as he gets paid

He got a life style

and family to maintain

Little does John know

him and that homeless man

is very much the same

Both confined by society

Both trying to get through the day

They both inject themselves

but in a different way

Both chasing after money

Trying to feed that emptiness

each and every day

Brainwashed by false messages

Both are a slave to money

Both are disconnected from God

John doesn’t realize

He’s no better

than the homeless man he sees

John doesn’t see

they are both victimized

By society



By: Jenny Alforria

They try to put me in boxes

They categorize me based on illness, class, and ethnicity.

They try to diagnose me with disease after disease

They call me crazy, delusional,

and past the point of no return

They look down upon me

They frown upon me

They look at me with confusion and disgust

I always felt I wasn’t good enough

for these people’s love

Time and time again

I never understood why they hated me so much

But a bully in grade school once told me….

I was a cool person, but her mom told her to hate someone like me

I had learned from a young age that people will always have a problem with me.

It could be my looks, my size, my ethnicity…..

My mind, my posture, my “mental disease”

But the problem was never me

It was always society’s

Teaching and instilling hate at a young age is almost impossible for one to see

I’m human just like them….

my differences shouldn’t cause fear, disgust, or bigotry

Some of us adults should go back to grade school and learn basic human concepts

like love, acceptance, and empathy

We have degrees in system made theories and ideologies

yet we haven’t learned how to make a simple apology….

or communicate with our neighbors, or feed the poor,

instead we study pharmaceutical medicine…and learn about wars.

We build off a system of hate and build psychological walls.

Causing people to commit suicide and tell themselves this hate inflicted upon them

is all their fault!

But I don’t want to separate and divide with these words I express.

Nor bring any more pain, or make someone depressed.

Instead open the mind to what we repress.

Let’s not forget to be human, forget to be free

from this psychological slavery.

If you want to be a hero-love your family!

So maybe another little girl can grow up to have a stronger self esteem.

Don’t create any more bullies

let’s create love, acceptance and empathy.

Cuz the differences start with the little things.

Not at your careers or masters degrees.

Tell someone you love its ok to be unique.

Don’t be a carbon copy,

or a societal Barbie and Ken.

So many adults

still playing pretend

This is why I now try to be myself……

so someone else knows……………..

it’s ok to be them 💕💕💕💕💕